Manual vs Motorised- A manual treadmill may look very enticing due to it’s cheap price tag, they can start from $250. Compared to a basic, quality motorised version, which start upwards of $1,500. 
The manual is far more difficult to use as you are providing all the power.

Noise factor- Check out the noise of the treadmill when it’s in use, there is nothing worse than a really noisy machine. It’s worth paying a little more for a lot less noise!

Cushion decking- Ask about the shock absorption of the treadmill. Some treadmills have thicker belts or have shock absorbers under the deck of the machine. Shock absorbers soften the sound of your foot striking the deck. I wouldn’t buy a treadmill without shock absorption!

The speed range – make sure it suits you and your families needs. You may want to use it for walking but your daughter/husband may want to run, therefore it requires a good range of speed. Between 0 -16km per hour is ideal. Remember the more you use the treadmill the fitter you will become and the faster you will want it to go!

Incline – this is a great feature to increase your intensity of your walk and to tone and strengthen your muscles. Some treadmills only offer two positions whilst others offer 1-25% incline. A good treadmill should have a minimum range 0-10%.!

Walking/Running surface – a longer deck allows for a more comfortable stride. BEWARE – this is so important. It may take up more room, but if you are going to invest in a treadmill, you will want it to have a good length decking. My treadmill has a 137cm x 50cm decking, which is ideal.

Drink Holder – as silly as this may seem, it is actually an important feature. There is nothing worse than having to stop your workout every time you want some water.

LED Readout –
this really is matter of preference, it’s whatever features are important to you i.e. Heart rate, Calories Burnt, time, speed etc . I use the Incline, speed, distance and heart rate readout on mine all the time.

Pre-set Programs – Again this is a matter of preference; Treadmills can vary hugely in the selection of preset programs. I use my own programs and the preset programs.

Folding Away– many treadmills fold up and have wheels. This is a great feature but you still need lots of room for them!

Where is your treadmill going to live –
treadmills vary greatly is size, so be sure to measure the space you have available. But be careful, if you don’t have the room for a decent size treadmill, I seriously would consider looking at another piece of exercise equipment ie Cross trainer etc as a small treadmill may be a perfect fit but will almost guaranteed to be used as Storage unit in a few weeks time!

Finally, look at the purchase of a Treadmill as a small investment for a huge return! Be prepared to spend the money and more importantly be prepared to use it!!

This advice should be applied to the purchase of any piece of fitness equipment. The way a treadmill fits and feels to you is perhaps the single most overlooked consideration and will have a tremendous influence on whether or not you enjoy using it and whether or not you want to get on and use it again. Reviews are helpful, but do not rely on reviews alone.

Buy from a dealership/salesperson that you can come back to for support and questions after the sale. Although a treadmill purchase can be a pricey endeavor, remember that it is still a mechanical item with many moving parts that must work in unison. And even the very best quality exercise equipment has the potential need for support and service.

Know where you want to put the machine and measure the space before you go shopping. If you are considering a folding unit, know that this feature adds to the cost of any unit and ask yourself if it is a necessary feature, meaning will you actually fold it up when you are not using it.

Know that a quality treadmill should last you for many years and that it is a long-term investment. Although everyone should work within their budget, don’t skimp where you don’t have to. This purchase is a long-term commitment to yourself, and you’re worth it. You don’t want something you won’t enjoy, and you don’t want to buy a treadmill every couple of years.

Print these buying tips out, write them down or save them in a file on your computer. However you choose, make sure you consider these tips when walking into any fitness store to make the next treadmill purchase for your home.